Paul Tarjan: Waiting for coke & mentos display
Paul Tarjan: @ Maker Faire
Paul Tarjan: Coolest Noodle Maker
Paul Tarjan: Coolest Noodle thing
Paul Tarjan: Maker Faire art
Paul Tarjan: Container gardening
Paul Tarjan: Want to turn your truck into this?
Paul Tarjan: Maker Faire art
Paul Tarjan: H20 BOY
Paul Tarjan: Life size mouse trap
Paul Tarjan: Life size mouse trap
Paul Tarjan: Life size mouse trap
Paul Tarjan: @ Maker Faire
Paul Tarjan: The spider
Paul Tarjan: The spider from Canada
Paul Tarjan: Creepy crawly and moving!
Paul Tarjan: Mentos & Coke @ Maker Faire