Space Cowboy!!: mercy mercy me!
Space Cowboy!!: “Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.” (Ernest Holmes)
Space Cowboy!!: fill the frame
Space Cowboy!!: cheater :)
Space Cowboy!!: whatever!!
Space Cowboy!!: What kind of shoes do frogs wear?....Open toad!!
Space Cowboy!!: Why is the name of the phobia for the fear of long words Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia ?
Space Cowboy!!: Greased lightning!
Space Cowboy!!: Consciousness: That annoying time between naps!
Space Cowboy!!: “It is better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life”
Space Cowboy!!: I can teach my cat any trick he wants to do! :)
Space Cowboy!!: What is a zebra? 26 sizes larger than an "A" bra.
Space Cowboy!!: A CROCODILE cannot stick its tongue out, because it is attached to the bottom of its mouth! :)
Space Cowboy!!: Insane Bolt