psychonaute: yunnan's farmer
psychonaute: rice field farmer
psychonaute: mysterious ethnos grand'ma
psychonaute: wake-up in the sky
psychonaute: hani grand'ma
psychonaute: chinese little girl
psychonaute: chinese grandma
psychonaute: chinese girl 02
psychonaute: chinese girl 01
psychonaute: new day on a new playground
psychonaute: as far as I can see
psychonaute: yunnan's rice field
psychonaute: At the skyline: the Tian Shan
psychonaute: Faint hope
psychonaute: Tian Shan guardian
psychonaute: Young ouighour
psychonaute: who are you?
psychonaute: Desert wind
psychonaute: vastness
psychonaute: a bright day
psychonaute: Tian Shan becoming a desert
psychonaute: new day in the desert
psychonaute: the snow came this night
psychonaute: overlook
psychonaute: the forgotten treasure box
psychonaute: dwelling place of the day
psychonaute: storm on the Tian Shan
psychonaute: sisters
psychonaute: critical look
psychonaute: playing child