Gerasimov.77: Last dayz of summer
Gerasimov.77: Streetstyle
Gerasimov.77: Dmitry Lazykin
Gerasimov.77: Dmitry Shukin
Gerasimov.77: Streetstyle
Gerasimov.77: Dark luminescence
Gerasimov.77: Dark luminescence
Gerasimov.77: Hotel Ukraine
Gerasimov.77: Piazza Rossa
Gerasimov.77: Studio tests
Gerasimov.77: Studio tests
Gerasimov.77: Summer mood
Gerasimov.77: Summer mood
Gerasimov.77: 7H3 FU7UR3 !5 N0W
Gerasimov.77: Ultraviolet dreams
Gerasimov.77: Serenity
Gerasimov.77: Pink mood
Gerasimov.77: Violet
Gerasimov.77: Studio tests with constant and impulse light
Gerasimov.77: "In order to take real photographs you have to be moved by inner necessity. You have to get to the core of the engine that drives you, and once you connected to it, you will derive energy from it for the rest of your life"
Gerasimov.77: Red light
Gerasimov.77: Red light
Gerasimov.77: B&W Sunset