Zone Patcher: Holy Smokes !!
Zone Patcher: Trancendental State under Construction
Zone Patcher: Magical Biochemistry Complex Dimensionality of Smoke Dreams
Zone Patcher: Psychological Ritual Physiology
Zone Patcher: 3D aNIMATION.....1ST experiment..a simple Fractal zoom
Zone Patcher: New Age Phyzix ..3D Fractal Animation..Art Project
Zone Patcher: soul energenic...ANIMATION 3D FRACTAL
Zone Patcher: Gestalt state ANIMATION 3D FRACTAL
Zone Patcher: Peak Perception 3D Animation Fractal
Zone Patcher: Sustain da Wave 3D Fractal Animation
Zone Patcher: Real-Eyez-in
Zone Patcher: Someting from Nothin
Zone Patcher: Cause n effect Animation
Zone Patcher: Sunken Treasure Animation
Zone Patcher: Immunological Invocation
Zone Patcher: Santee
Zone Patcher: Biological Enchantment
Zone Patcher: Media Art n Dysfunction
Zone Patcher: Abstraction of Dreams
Zone Patcher: 3D Fractallight show Animation
Zone Patcher: Harmonic Inclusiveness