Tie Dye Jedi: Twilight Zone
Tie Dye Jedi: sidewalk shadow
Tie Dye Jedi: the crimson spots were dripping from my hand...
Tie Dye Jedi: Looming
Tie Dye Jedi: Light switch
Tie Dye Jedi: hand bag in distress
Tie Dye Jedi: bottle in distress
Tie Dye Jedi: Sin City
Tie Dye Jedi: Lovecraft
Tie Dye Jedi: Ominous Power
Tie Dye Jedi: Spooky Lines
Tie Dye Jedi: Gods or Monsters?
Tie Dye Jedi: Shadow Gate
Tie Dye Jedi: Phantom Zone
Tie Dye Jedi: Lavender Light
Tie Dye Jedi: Spectre of Hitchcock
Tie Dye Jedi: dark sunset
Tie Dye Jedi: Skeered
Tie Dye Jedi: Where is everybody?
Tie Dye Jedi: Negative Land
Tie Dye Jedi: slip thru the cracks
Tie Dye Jedi: Room for one more, honey
Tie Dye Jedi: Door Knob
Tie Dye Jedi: Louissa May Alcott in a bowl of soapy water
Tie Dye Jedi: Darkness Over the Face of the Earth
Tie Dye Jedi: How Tomorrow Could Ever Follow Today