psukkafische: albino turtle
psukkafische: horribly poisonous snakes on a stick
psukkafische: hangin'
psukkafische: bored with bees
psukkafische: diesel
psukkafische: making coconut candy: step 1
psukkafische: making coconut candy: step 2
psukkafische: making coconut candy: step 3
psukkafische: paddling
psukkafische: it was bound to happen sometime
psukkafische: fun in boats
psukkafische: fishing
psukkafische: fishing
psukkafische: i did it too...
psukkafische: the boys were very excited...
psukkafische: fishing
psukkafische: fishing
psukkafische: fruit of our labors