psuhockeychick: The HK Sign (3957_fix_crop)
psuhockeychick: Deere on the Warning Track! (3969_fix)
psuhockeychick: The Blasted Sign... (3978_fix)
psuhockeychick: How Long Until Another Flag? (3987_fix_crop)
psuhockeychick: Steve Carlton Introduction (3997_fix_crop)
psuhockeychick: I Feel So Old... (4003_fix_crop)
psuhockeychick: Phils Greats (4007_fix_crop)
psuhockeychick: Phanatic High-Ten! (4009_fix_crop)
psuhockeychick: In Dallas' Sights (4029_fix_crop)
psuhockeychick: Sammy's Back! (4033_fix_crop)
psuhockeychick: Watching the Highlights (4046_fix)
psuhockeychick: The Unveiling (4065_fix)
psuhockeychick: Victory Lap (4083_fix_crop)
psuhockeychick: High Hopes! (4090_fix)
psuhockeychick: The Ant Hill (4114_fix_crop)
psuhockeychick: Citizens Bank Park HDR (hdr1)