pstao1: self-portrait #4: mirror repair
pstao1: self portrait #3 with stranger
pstao1: self portrait #5: as tourist
pstao1: watch the city watching me watch the city
pstao1: self portrait #6: expressway to yr skull
pstao1: self portrait #9: composed in the wake of oil and water
pstao1: self portrait #2
pstao1: self portrait #11: heart of glass
pstao1: The City Watching Me Watch The City
pstao1: self portrait #13 - rusty
pstao1: self portrait #14: strangers on a train
pstao1: the man I have become
pstao1: self portrait #18: perforated
pstao1: self portrait #36: shot in the gallery
pstao1: self portrait #37: in passing, i fall
pstao1: Self Portrait #33: Trinity
pstao1: self portrait #103: where I live now
pstao1: Self Portrait #20: divided
pstao1: Self-portrait #24: Mirrored