sweetp_sqrd: Reo's thought on leftover Christmas presents.
sweetp_sqrd: Reo's thoughts on Winter
sweetp_sqrd: Reo's opinion of the Polar Vortex-Artic Blast on his "Outside"
sweetp_sqrd: Leo's taking cabin fever from a different perspective...
sweetp_sqrd: Wake Leo up when it's SPRING!!
sweetp_sqrd: HTT :P
sweetp_sqrd: Happy Birthday Reo
sweetp_sqrd: Miss Chew would like us to remember Mocha
sweetp_sqrd: The "Sitter"
sweetp_sqrd: Is THIS what they mean by "Selfie" (?)
sweetp_sqrd: Tree Poser II
sweetp_sqrd: Tree Poser
sweetp_sqrd: "O" boys (Leo & Reo)
sweetp_sqrd: Reo models his Summer Lion Cut
sweetp_sqrd: Lazin' Leo
sweetp_sqrd: Reo keepin it clean!
sweetp_sqrd: Portrait of Annoyance
sweetp_sqrd: Box sitter for hire....
sweetp_sqrd: Happy Cat Bench Monday!!
sweetp_sqrd: HCBM!!
sweetp_sqrd: Reo "I will NOT pose for pictures today"
sweetp_sqrd: Leo the Great (bird watcher)
sweetp_sqrd: Hijacked!!! Reo would like his royalties paid in FRESH catnip!!
sweetp_sqrd: Leo's Fall pose
sweetp_sqrd: Tree hugger
sweetp_sqrd: Reo, on the Bench!
sweetp_sqrd: Leo's inquisitive pose
sweetp_sqrd: Incognito
sweetp_sqrd: Box L O V E