psmithson: Nice dressing gown Bill!
psmithson: 20070915_IMG_104
psmithson: Bill's Honda H100
psmithson: Winner of "Best Trike"
psmithson: 20070915_IMG_107
psmithson: Ontow's VMAX
psmithson: 20070915_IMG_109
psmithson: 20070915_IMG_110
psmithson: Winner of "Best Scooter"
psmithson: 20070915_IMG_112
psmithson: Winner of "Best Modern"
psmithson: Winner of "Best Rat"
psmithson: Show entrance
psmithson: Best in show arriving
psmithson: Winner of "Best in Show" (and other categories)
psmithson: Winner of "Best in Show" (and other categories)
psmithson: Show bikes
psmithson: Winner of "Best Classic"
psmithson: Rob's Kawaski S400
psmithson: Kevin's Harley
psmithson: G Bawn's Harley
psmithson: Bikes
psmithson: Bikes and camping area.
psmithson: Rich's Jupiter 3.
psmithson: CX500 based Trike
psmithson: Auction
psmithson: 2007_0917old-wolf0141
psmithson: 2007_0917old-wolf0148
psmithson: best rat
psmithson: best classic 2