Pai Shih: DSC_4221
Pai Shih: image311
Pai Shih: DSC_3789
Pai Shih: Sunset at Hongkong
Pai Shih: Triangle
Pai Shih: Light house
Pai Shih: Lighthouse at the Dong Ji Island
Pai Shih: Old House
Pai Shih: DongJi Lighthouse
Pai Shih: Formasa Station
Pai Shih: DSC_48172
Pai Shih: DSC_7147
Pai Shih: Tzu Chi
Pai Shih: Phoenix Hall of Byodoin Temple, Uji
Pai Shih: Taj Mahal,Agra
Pai Shih: White Temple
Pai Shih: WatPhra Singh
Pai Shih: Wat Rajamontean
Pai Shih: Wat Chedi Luang Temple