Patti @ Ardenwood: Nice butt!
Patti @ Ardenwood: Flatcoat face
Patti @ Ardenwood: Clyde and his family
Patti @ Ardenwood: Zip(!!!)'s bro Hank
Patti @ Ardenwood: Zip(!!!) bro Clyde
Patti @ Ardenwood: And more drills...
Patti @ Ardenwood: Must get to the dead bird blind
Patti @ Ardenwood: Joe says there's a dead bird!
Patti @ Ardenwood: There it is!
Patti @ Ardenwood: Got the dead bird bumper!
Patti @ Ardenwood: I'm doing blinds!
Patti @ Ardenwood: See, I've got an orange bumper
Patti @ Ardenwood: I'm having a great time learning how to do blinds
Patti @ Ardenwood: Gustav watches the fall
Patti @ Ardenwood: Zip(!!!)'s land series
Patti @ Ardenwood: Henrys land series