pSha: Lis & Leo connect. TOO CUTE.
pSha: Leee-O! swinging with mama.
pSha: Andy pushing Leo.
pSha: a cool fish in the garden
pSha: & the barn, with garden in the middle
pSha: the homestead.
pSha: barn
pSha: barn door
pSha: Andy & Lisa's place in Appleton.
pSha: fair Appleton Maine
pSha: i think this is all we're gonna need...we had to shop at (sigh) WalMart.
pSha: log bridges over marshy parts.
pSha: moss
pSha: hiking essentials
pSha: Little Niagara trail
pSha: doesn't get much better.
pSha: Andy & me on Daicey Pond.
pSha: Ranger V stays calm during le verbal flogging.
pSha: Frank, Tony, Martha...with G&Ts.
pSha: Andy noodling. (i kid.)
pSha: chillin in the cabin.
pSha: the Ranger doing his thing.
pSha: Dean, Mike, Andy. Dean regaled us with tales of bath salts.
pSha: Andy's cabin porch. you can see cars parked across the field.
pSha: cute mushrooms.
pSha: fairy house.
pSha: shade on the mountain.