pSha: all the geels hit the slide.
pSha: All those tix are prob too heavy for Shelby.
pSha: gimme yer hand Molz.
pSha: i said whee!
pSha: luvs! we're just waiting for MG to get shoes on...
pSha: ev's contribution.
pSha: geels!
pSha: he's the bodyguard of our levitating shorty.
pSha: bustin moves.
pSha: let's just get Molz' kicks on...
pSha: i'm all outfitted & ready to roll.
pSha: in constant motion.
pSha: this pic is funny.
pSha: lost in candy land.
pSha: shelby w/candy bracelet.
pSha: sis helps MG stay in frame. she gently positioned Molz' head.
pSha: molly w/candy bracelet. every time a half piece fell to the ground, i had to step on it, before she went after it.
pSha: this one's presh.
pSha: hey, kissy face!
pSha: i got my cutie right here.
pSha: sharing an overpriced beverage.
pSha: this way, guys!