pSha: sing for me!
pSha: oh boy!
pSha: i'm stickering up my Dora!
pSha: 4 sisters.
pSha: relax, MG!
pSha: this'll do nicely...
pSha: Shelby follows the easel, clapping all the way.
pSha: MG
pSha: ev makes a big splash.
pSha: the geels in the pool.
pSha: a funny one.
pSha: hmmmm...
pSha: hey, it's Boots!
pSha: i blew out the candles!
pSha: ooh, i will take some lipgloss...
pSha: here, mom!
pSha: it goes on your piehole!
pSha: fun!
pSha: silly bands for everyone.