pSha: i think this is the one!
pSha: Ev looks like he's being tasered in this one...
pSha: i like Molly's straitjacket!
pSha: someone stepped on chocolate!
pSha: Shelbs & Share
pSha: playing peek with the camera window.
pSha: fathers day 2009 066
pSha: share & shelby
pSha: i like the light over her shoulder.
pSha: kee-hee!
pSha: who stole Molly's binky?
pSha: she likes Papa's sneezing donald duck
pSha: silly papa!
pSha: daddy's littlest geel, rocking the fauxhawk.
pSha: cheese!
pSha: Lauren & Molly
pSha: aunt SB
pSha: enjoyin' a little SwC.
pSha: getting all down in there!
pSha: fathers day 2009 041
pSha: fathers day 2009 040
pSha: fathers day 2009 039
pSha: fathers day 2009 038
pSha: fathers day 2009 036
pSha: fathers day 2009 037
pSha: aw! cuz luv!
pSha: fathers day 2009 034
pSha: fathers day 2009 033
pSha: fathers day 2009 032
pSha: fathers day 2009 031