pSha: Booze by Lauren
pSha: Figs by Lauren
pSha: Uncle Patty by Lauren
pSha: Bruce by Lauren
pSha: Bun's eye!
pSha: Bruce by Lauren
pSha: Dave, Mom & Dad, Karyn
pSha: Delaney clan, with Evan!
pSha: waiting patiently.
pSha: monkey wedding cake!
pSha: Lauren got a matching brown monkey cupcake!
pSha: Libbie, Kathy, John & his new twins Katherine & Matthew
pSha: Tre & Jack Crowley
pSha: Pete & Deb
pSha: she's a little monkey!
pSha: Kenny is for sure talking smack to Lauren
pSha: BFF
pSha: Lauren getsa taste of her own medicine: bunny eared!
pSha: Delaney family shot
pSha: BA & the Jordans
pSha: Cuttin the cake
pSha: Bruce & Kathy
pSha: Lauren's wide open piehole
pSha: aIMG_5602
pSha: Kenny in a frenzy of kids jacked up on soda.
pSha: ixnay on aby-bay in the ail-may!
pSha: bud
pSha: side yard action
pSha: 2 year-old twins Sara & Emily