pSha: crazy grime marks
pSha: he is not here
pSha: john parsons jr
pSha: weeping
pSha: wicked
pSha: green gray
pSha: hole
pSha: pointed
pSha: pointed face
pSha: dawson's holly -- merry xmas y'all
pSha: holly of dawson on xmas eve
pSha: thacher's cross
pSha: yo! Tita, this is what i was talking about. i posted this fish horizontal.
pSha: bird feeding 3 young
pSha: cherub face in armpit of cross
pSha: tita spirals
pSha: spirals. if you don't think this is tits, you haven't looked long enough.
pSha: spirals
pSha: tita at burden
pSha: tita at burden
pSha: tita at burden. can't wait to see what's inside!
pSha: tita at john boyd thacher
pSha: our babe
pSha: hilton, hands
pSha: waving
pSha: angel
pSha: tita
pSha: angel with star tiara.
pSha: tre with tree at erastus corning. i like the long shadows, & the tree branches flailing.
pSha: crest of erastus corning