pSha: that's a big fish! striped bass or like they say in Massachusetts: Stripah!
pSha: dick's got a keeper
pSha: fish wrangling
pSha: fishing36
pSha: with Dick & Stewie
pSha: Drew, Stew, Dana
pSha: fishing
pSha: me & Bwuon
pSha: with Dick
pSha: Dick & Bon with Stewie
pSha: digging the fishing trip. what's not to love?
pSha: helping Dana with her whopper
pSha: yeah! i got me a good one n'yeah!
pSha: noice!
pSha: a-ya, there he is!
pSha: you can't tell by this pic, but I am busting my ass here.
pSha: Green Pond Marina
pSha: RR & RR enjoying a good day fishing
pSha: a big one in the net!
pSha: The Records fish the rip
pSha: Dick dragging one in
pSha: pretty!
pSha: my little stripah
pSha: Dick hauling ass in Richie's sweet new boat
pSha: shimmering waves, flashing like paparazzi.
pSha: our haul: with Richie's toe & the bluefish what bit it!
pSha: 'sup