Penina: Gems: Banker's Daughter (top seller)
Penina: Gems: Silk Modern
Penina: Fabric Pattern: Haiku in a Prism
Penina: Wind in the Trees II
Penina: Wind in the Trees
Penina: Wind in the Trees, versions I and II
Penina: Fabric Pair: City of Dreams
Penina: Natural Hubbub
Penina: Gems: Friday Night
Penina: Gems: Friday Night II
Penina: Gems: After Hours
Penina: Fabrics: Solar Flare
Penina: A few patterns from the Sunny Golds and Yellows collection
Penina: Fabric Pattern: Solar Sparkles
Penina: Gems Scarf: Voile Modern
Penina: Chairs upholstered with Haiku in a Prism fabric
Penina: Gems: Grateful