Pahz: Joust of Skill
Pahz: Sir Mauldron!
Pahz: Sir Gregory!
Pahz: Sir Amadeo!
Pahz: This is what happens when Sunstorm gets into the mead in the barn
Pahz: Sir Mauldron
Pahz: Sir Maxmillian and Kilvarough
Pahz: He's listing his promises to us
Pahz: A math lesson...
Pahz: Sir Edgeron
Pahz: Amadeo is dashing in his new leather
Pahz: Sir Gregory
Pahz: Aw yeah! ITS ON!
Pahz: We were so hopeful...
Pahz: Till now...
Pahz: Skylar after the final joust
Pahz: Skylar thinks this is awesome
Pahz: Awwww yeah!
Pahz: 174 of 365/2- Sir Edgeron of Aquataine
Pahz: Joust of Skill
Pahz: Jane the Phoole!
Pahz: Huzzah!
Pahz: Sir Mauldron introducing Sir Maxx
Pahz: Mighty, Mighty Kilvarough
Pahz: Kilvarough (Photoshopped)
Pahz: Sir Edgeron's squire is adorable
Pahz: Mauldron and Maxmillian