Pseudotropheus (Drew): Pinnacle Rock
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Ferris Wheel
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Ludlows Reserve
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Rock of Gold
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Bethanga Bridge at Night
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Dew laden web
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Fence Sitter
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Silver Gull (Larus novaehollandiae)
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Whirlpulian01
Pseudotropheus (Drew): St Paul's Cathedral spire
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Laneway mono shot
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Rays of Light
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Light at London Bridge
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Flinders Street Clock
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Keeping clean
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Lake of Fire
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Fainter Falls
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Flowers and Bokeh
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Humpback mother and baby
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Morning Surf
Pseudotropheus (Drew): Murray River sunrise