RNLphotography: At a botanical garden
RNLphotography: Ready to go look for the spring water and hike!
RNLphotography: Down the steps we go
RNLphotography: Clouds = cool air for hiking
RNLphotography: Following the trail
RNLphotography: Stick bug!
RNLphotography: Cool tree
RNLphotography: We found the spring water!!
RNLphotography: Dragonfly
RNLphotography: Clean water?
RNLphotography: Crazy kids
RNLphotography: More mountains
RNLphotography: The view at the top
RNLphotography: Finally the rain stopped
RNLphotography: Beautiful humming bird
RNLphotography: Humming birds
RNLphotography: Big bug!
RNLphotography: Favorite
RNLphotography: Mountains
RNLphotography: More plants