prytheclouds: It was all a blur.
prytheclouds: Before long, we all melt away.
prytheclouds: Serene.
prytheclouds: This is gonna hurt.
prytheclouds: Turn for better weather.
prytheclouds: Cold ride home.
prytheclouds: Plant one on me, said the island.
prytheclouds: A view with no room.
prytheclouds: Don't mind me.
prytheclouds: Listen to what I don't say.
prytheclouds: Whoooosh
prytheclouds: Like moths to a flame, but not.
prytheclouds: And then I climbed...
prytheclouds: Sunset from Mt Guksabong.
prytheclouds: Hiding behind mountains.
prytheclouds: Getting dark at Guksabong.
prytheclouds: Looking towards a Gohyeon sunset.
prytheclouds: Staring into the sun.
prytheclouds: Autumn, high above Okpo.
prytheclouds: There's this holy crow above me.
prytheclouds: Over the mountains.
prytheclouds: Shadows swallow Okpo.
prytheclouds: Late in the Okpo day
prytheclouds: Autumn in Okpo
prytheclouds: Waiting, drying out.
prytheclouds: This is all that matters.
prytheclouds: Your good parts can go in the blue bucket.