Harley David: Who, me?
Harley David: I'm watching you....
Harley David: Fooood!
Harley David: Chicken in Disguise
Harley David: Sophie!
Harley David: Eating Banana!
Harley David: Stuart the Camel
Harley David: 'Do it like me, boys...'
Harley David: 'It was this big...'
Harley David: 'Too cold in there, mate!'
Harley David: Terwit the who?
Harley David: Just bugging me...
Harley David: Not me, mate!
Harley David: 'He's mine Ally...'!
Harley David: Croc Feed
Harley David: That water was lovely!
Harley David: Wasn't me!
Harley David: Bear Dad
Harley David: 'Well, I like the horns!'
Harley David: 'You looking at me'?
Harley David: Horsin' around
Harley David: Great White
Harley David: C-gull
Harley David: Must be love...
Harley David: Squeek!
Harley David: Dude looks like a lady....
Harley David: Pair of scruffs