Proteus_XYZ: Destroyed South Wing of Stuttgart Main Station
Proteus_XYZ: Ruin of South Wing Bonatz Building
Proteus_XYZ: Tower of Bonatz Building Stuttgart
Proteus_XYZ: Stuttgart Main Station
Proteus_XYZ: A way how to make Stuttgart even more attractive..
Proteus_XYZ: Attractive Stuttgart ??
Proteus_XYZ: Destruction of Bonatz Building and adjacent Palace Garden
Proteus_XYZ: Destruction of Stuttgart Main Station
Proteus_XYZ: Torso of Main Station Stuttgart
Proteus_XYZ: Blühende Landschaft Stuttgart 21
Proteus_XYZ: Police Officers protecting the Monday Demonstration on 11 June 2012 against Stuttgart 21
Proteus_XYZ: Monday Demonstration on 11 June 2012 against Stuttgart 21
Proteus_XYZ: Drumming against Stuttgart 21
Proteus_XYZ: ...and the beat goes on
Proteus_XYZ: Dismembered Main Station Stuttgart