hapticflapjack: The last of my University notes
hapticflapjack: The last of my University notes
hapticflapjack: CS4 Individual project presentation slides
hapticflapjack: CS4 project - interim presentation slides
hapticflapjack: CS4 project - a page from my lab book
hapticflapjack: CS4 project - some results for analysis
hapticflapjack: CS3 Database systems
hapticflapjack: CS3 Models of computation
hapticflapjack: CS3 Models of Computation (Q1 & Q2 are fine, at least)
hapticflapjack: CS4 - AI and Education
hapticflapjack: Maths 2A - I never really got PDEs
hapticflapjack: Maths 2A - pretty pictures
hapticflapjack: 2nd year maths - hmm...
hapticflapjack: Maths 2A, where I started to lose it
hapticflapjack: Maths 2A - my colourful titles making up for struggling understanding