sueymarky: IMG_4152 New Holland apts, once factory
sueymarky: IMG_4156 Chopping corn into the silo
sueymarky: IMG_4160 Tobacco
sueymarky: IMG_4161 Tobacco
sueymarky: IMG_4163 Spreading manure
sueymarky: IMG_4164 Getting rady
sueymarky: IMG_4167 Chopping corn_edited-1
sueymarky: IMG_4168 Out of the window
sueymarky: IMG_4171 Mill
sueymarky: IMG_4173 Sign
sueymarky: IMG_4188 House and mill
sueymarky: IMG_4189 Wagon of tobacco
sueymarky: IMG_4190 Wagon of tobacco
sueymarky: IMG_4191 Mill
sueymarky: IMG_4192 Once a general store to a hotel now part of the mill
sueymarky: IMG_4195 Mill
sueymarky: IMG_4197 Tobacco hanging in the barn
sueymarky: IMG_4199 Garden
sueymarky: IMG_4202 Discing
sueymarky: IMG_4206 Dicsing
sueymarky: IMG_4208 Discing
sueymarky: IMG_4158 Hay