prondis_in_kenya: Pouring the tea
prondis_in_kenya: Tea from the urn
prondis_in_kenya: A plate of lunch for Gacûcû
prondis_in_kenya: Beavers bringing lunch to Gacûcû members
prondis_in_kenya: Delicious lunch being served
prondis_in_kenya: Louise serving tea
prondis_in_kenya: Isabelle spooning sugar
prondis_in_kenya: Almost finished serving and ready to eat
prondis_in_kenya: Assembling in the Boardroom
prondis_in_kenya: Paul Kanga and the Beavers
prondis_in_kenya: A wall of quotes
prondis_in_kenya: Prison and freedom
prondis_in_kenya: A fine light
prondis_in_kenya: Another meeting downstairs
prondis_in_kenya: Judging the haiku written during the ginkoo
prondis_in_kenya: The top six haiku
prondis_in_kenya: Reciting the prize winning haiku in the Plenary
prondis_in_kenya: The group of prizewinners
prondis_in_kenya: Beavers ready to leave
prondis_in_kenya: Using the extra steps into the bus