Prometheus Radio: Radio Workshops are just so Fun!!!
Prometheus Radio: Andy demystifies radio frequencies
Prometheus Radio: Anka, Lidia and Dave testing radio frequencies
Prometheus Radio: Ro has big visions for Detroit's newest radio station
Prometheus Radio: How the H#$% does internet radio work?
Prometheus Radio: We did it!!!! All celebrate the launch of the Hush House's new Radio Station
Prometheus Radio: Mixing and Micing
Prometheus Radio: If pictures could speak, you would hear the instant radio natural saying "HOlla at yr girl"
Prometheus Radio: Radio: So beautifully simple that 5 year olds can rock the mic and board
Prometheus Radio: This room was transformed into a radio studio in less than 3 hours!
Prometheus Radio: Mama Sandra takes to the airwaves, (or to be more exact, webstream)
Prometheus Radio: Yes the microphone's stands are made out of recycled bottles, electrical boxes, conduit and sticks
Prometheus Radio: Building a Solar Air Heater from scrap materials
Prometheus Radio: Radio Power Team celebrates outside the Hush HOuse