prolost: 20090520-IMG_1060
prolost: Tug Life
prolost: First Contact
prolost: 20090521-IMG_1109
prolost: Conquest of the Tube
prolost: Weight of the World
prolost: Sunproof
prolost: The latest in my "People Gesturing Wildly While Explaining Things to Josh & Diana" series
prolost: 20090523-IMG_1301
prolost: 20090523-IMG_1313
prolost: T&P
prolost: 20090523-IMG_1394
prolost: 20090523-IMG_1567
prolost: 20090523-IMG_1585
prolost: Cali Mans the Bowline
prolost: 20090523-IMG_1654
prolost: 20090523-IMG_1676
prolost: Yes, he really is driving the boat
prolost: 20090523-IMG_1750
prolost: Tubequest
prolost: Stockers
prolost: Tubes