Dwight's Photog: La La La
Dwight's Photog: Com'n boy.
Dwight's Photog: Don't leave me!!!
Dwight's Photog: Enjoying the muddy water.
Dwight's Photog: Watchout!
Dwight's Photog: Thats easy!
Dwight's Photog: Never too old!
Dwight's Photog: RED RIVER?
Dwight's Photog: That looks like a good spot.
Dwight's Photog: He is driving in the river?!?
Dwight's Photog: More Winter Fun in Canada
Dwight's Photog: Winter Fun
Dwight's Photog: Manitoba Stampede
Dwight's Photog: Made me look!!!
Dwight's Photog: Show off!
Dwight's Photog: Always ready
Dwight's Photog: You can do it.
Dwight's Photog: Look out for the fence!!
Dwight's Photog: I love the muck!
Dwight's Photog: Where is it?
Dwight's Photog: Lets Role
Dwight's Photog: Look at his knee!!
Dwight's Photog: The Original
Dwight's Photog: And a great save by...
Dwight's Photog: Keep an eye on the ball.