projecthotseat08: Sat 7/12; Hoop It Up tournament on NC State Fairgrounds
projecthotseat08: Sat 7/12; Hoop It Up tournament on NC State Fairgrounds
projecthotseat08: Sat 7/12; Hoop It Up tournament on NC State Fairgrounds
projecthotseat08: Sat 7/12; Hoop It Up tournament on NC State Fairgrounds
projecthotseat08: Sat 7/12; Hoop It Up tournament on NC State Fairgrounds
projecthotseat08: Sat 7/12; Hoop It Up tournament on NC State Fairgrounds
projecthotseat08: Sat 7/12; Hoop It Up tournament on NC State Fairgrounds
projecthotseat08: Sat 7/12; Hoop It Up tournament on NC State Fairgrounds
projecthotseat08: Friday 7/11, Second Helping of First Friday Downtown Raleigh
projecthotseat08: Friday 7/11, Second Helping of First Friday Downtown Raleigh
projecthotseat08: Friday 7/11, Second Helping of First Friday Downtown Raleigh
projecthotseat08: Friday 7/11, Second Helping of First Friday Downtown Raleigh
projecthotseat08: Moore Square Farmers Market, 7/2, Downtown Raleigh
projecthotseat08: Over here in Raleigh NC, our Rep. Brad Miller is feeling the heat! That seat is gettin' hot!
projecthotseat08: Project Hot Seat campaign kick-off iin Raleigh, NC on July 10th. Rep. Brad Miller: Stop Global Warming!
projecthotseat08: Project Hot Seat campaign kick-off iin Raleigh, NC on July 10th. Rep. Brad Miller: Stop Global Warming!
projecthotseat08: Project Hot Seat campaign kick-off iin Raleigh, NC on July 10th. Rep. Brad Miller: Stop Global Warming!
projecthotseat08: Project Hot Seat campaign kick-off iin Raleigh, NC on July 10th. Rep. Brad Miller: Stop Global Warming!
projecthotseat08: Rep. Brad Miller was an invited speaker at the Raleigh-Wake Citizens Association meeting. He spoke first about global warming, and then other issues facing Americans.
projecthotseat08: Greenpeace volunteers and activists deliver over 1,000 postcards to Rep. Brad Miller.
projecthotseat08: Greenpeace volunteers and activists deliver over 1,000 postcards to Rep. Brad Miller.
projecthotseat08: Greenpeace volunteers and activists deliver over 1,000 postcards to Rep. Brad Miller.
projecthotseat08: Wednesday, 08/20, on the corner of Oberlin and Clark Rd in Cameron Village in Raleigh, volunteers generated 140 honks and waves in the half-hour before it down-poured!
projecthotseat08: Wednesday, 08/20, on the corner of Oberlin and Clark Rd in Cameron Village in Raleigh, volunteers generated 140 honks and waves in the half-hour before it down-poured!
projecthotseat08: Wednesday, 08/20, on the corner of Oberlin and Clark Rd in Cameron Village in Raleigh, volunteers generated 140 honks and waves in the half-hour before it down-poured!
projecthotseat08: Wednesday, 08/20, on the corner of Oberlin and Clark Rd in Cameron Village in Raleigh, volunteers generated 140 honks and waves in the half-hour before it down-poured!
projecthotseat08: Wednesday, 08/20, on the corner of Oberlin and Clark Rd in Cameron Village in Raleigh, volunteers generated 140 honks and waves in the half-hour before it down-poured!
projecthotseat08: Wednesday, 08/20, on the corner of Oberlin and Clark Rd in Cameron Village in Raleigh, volunteers generated 140 honks and waves in the half-hour before it down-poured!
projecthotseat08: We can stop global warming!
projecthotseat08: Clean Energy Solutions for Global Warming Rally, Oct 5th, State Capitol in Raleigh, NC