Project Filthy: View from outside the shack
Project Filthy: its cold... this pictures proves it
Project Filthy: My house for the week
Project Filthy: Another view from the shack
Project Filthy: Even the roads are pretty!
Project Filthy: Boring view, not sure what was of interest here
Project Filthy: ooh clear day!
Project Filthy: Blizzard in town, Blizzards are awesome, believe the hype!
Project Filthy: Cars and Views... not sure whats going on here
Project Filthy: Vodka at -15 + frozen cola = the shit
Project Filthy: some days all you see is white
Project Filthy: more white, there should be some pretty mountains in this photo
Project Filthy: living above the clouds
Project Filthy: more pretty
Project Filthy: Lewis boards into the distance
Project Filthy: Lewis waits for the breaks to start... wrong sport
Project Filthy: My house and some trees
Project Filthy: Paul looks into the distance... photoshop in an at-at
Project Filthy: Paul & Lewis preparing for action
Project Filthy: Again there should be some massive mountains in the distance
Project Filthy: last day, first light... I love the alps.
Project Filthy: The Sky!
Project Filthy: DSC00046