programwitch: Our new keyhole garden kit just arrived.
programwitch: Keyhole garden kit. Open box. Won't be putting it together today. Too windy.
programwitch: Baby wants to help unpack it. Silly cat. Tomorrow.
programwitch: Time to read the instructions on how to assemble the keyhole garden.
programwitch: Nice addition to the instructions, a planting worksheet. I should probably make some copies of this.
programwitch: More unboxing. Packed with care and lots and lots of newspaper.
programwitch: All packed using the Meridian Tribune. Serving beautiful Bosque County. Something to read later. Ha!
programwitch: Making sure everything is here. 12 panels, 10 vertical supports with ends, 12 curved tubing, 4 E-1 and 4 E-2 tubing, 1 wire mesh, 3 wire rings, and finally zip ties and screws. According to the manual it'll take about an hour to assemble the keyhole garde
programwitch: Putting together our keyhole garden kit.
programwitch: Putting together our keyhole garden kit.
programwitch: Putting together our keyhole garden kit.
programwitch: Putting together our keyhole garden kit.
programwitch: Putting together our keyhole garden kit.
programwitch: Putting together our keyhole garden kit.
programwitch: Our new keyhole garden placed. Will tighten up the zip ties and start filling it over the week.
programwitch: Old cardboard keyhole garden removed. We're going to plant squash in that spot.
programwitch: Almost filled in. Need a few more bags of soil.
programwitch: Put up a little fence where we're going to plant some cucumber. Also stacked up some bricks to form a little wall. An attempt at a little dog proofing. Widget likes to dig.
programwitch: Donna plant the rest of our garden this morning.
programwitch: Our garden so far.
programwitch: Planting onions
programwitch: Planting in our keyhole garden.
programwitch: Planting in our garden.
programwitch: Donna planting in the garden.
programwitch: Keyhole garden doing well.