programwitch: Our new Walmart
programwitch: Another shopping day, another hit to the ol checkbook. #groceries
programwitch: Quick grocery run
programwitch: Last grocery buy for the week. I hope.
programwitch: Another quick trip for groceries
programwitch: Grocery day
programwitch: Yet another grocery run. Was in the mood for fish sticks.
programwitch: With the cooler temperature came the sniffles
programwitch: Shopping day
programwitch: Another need for stuff
programwitch: We were out of bread
programwitch: Gotta have coffee filters.
programwitch: Waiting in a long line to checkout with Rage
programwitch: Food run.
programwitch: Yet another grocery day. Also time to get a new glucose meter.
programwitch: Time for some egg nog and sugar puffs. Well it would be if I could have any. Family wants sweet cereal.
programwitch: Picking up some odds and ends.
programwitch: Last grocery run before the holiday weekend.
programwitch: A little post holiday shopping and egg rolls.
programwitch: Cheez-it!
programwitch: Having sandwiches tonight.
programwitch: Another long wait at checkout. Walmart needs to hire more checkout staff.
programwitch: Another payday. Another day Walmart gets my dollar.
programwitch: Went into Walmart, came out $100 lighter.
programwitch: Another Walmart afternoon.
programwitch: It just seems like we're out of food.
programwitch: Another casual stop at the store. It's flea and tick season. Time to get your pets a new flea collar.
programwitch: Another week's worth of groceries.
programwitch: Getting some travel snacks.
programwitch: This week's grocery run.