PROGENEA: Portrait (met in Torino, Italy)
PROGENEA: Portrait (met in Castellane, France)
PROGENEA: portrait (met in Berlin)
PROGENEA: street
PROGENEA: portrait (met in Berlin)
PROGENEA: The observer (seen in London)
PROGENEA: seen in London
PROGENEA: portrait (seen in London)
PROGENEA: portrait (met in London)
PROGENEA: „It‘s spring time“ good morning Berlin
PROGENEA: The observer
PROGENEA: Brandenburg gate (seen in Berlin)
PROGENEA: portrait (met in Berlin)
PROGENEA: first ride
PROGENEA: man with earphones - the silent cry
PROGENEA: series wheelchair
PROGENEA: play your song
PROGENEA: man with scateboard
PROGENEA: snowmen (seen in Berlin)
PROGENEA: fashion week (Berlin 2019)
PROGENEA: fashion week (Berlin 2019)
PROGENEA: fashion week (Berlin 2019)
PROGENEA: butterfly
PROGENEA: 2018 ... 2019 (seen in Berlin)
PROGENEA: Nothing stops the run
PROGENEA: Nothing stops Berlin
PROGENEA: Gulliver’s land
PROGENEA: The cloud