profzucker: Wells Cathedral, view
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, north porch figure
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, west front central portal
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, west front central portal
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, chapter house capitals
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, chapter house blind arcade face
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, chapter house blind arcade faces
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, chapter house blind arcade
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, chapter house pier base
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, chapter house view
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, chapter house vaulting
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, chapter house vaulting
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, chapter house vaulting
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, chapter house vaulting
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, chapter house
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, steps to bridge and chapter house
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, glass
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, Purbeck shafts
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, retrochoir
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, retrochoir vault
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, choir vaults
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, choir vaults
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, crossing vaults
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, scissor arch
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, scissor arch
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, scissor arch
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, pier capital
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, pier
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, nave detail
profzucker: Wells Cathedral, nave gallery and clerestory