professor megan: procession of academic garb
professor megan: putting on the hood
professor megan: P6157503.JPG
professor megan: a parade of graduates
professor megan: P6157504.JPG
professor megan: procession
professor megan: all is ready
professor megan: graduates
professor megan: the parents
professor megan: national anthem
professor megan: almost time...
professor megan: i'm graduated!
professor megan: on stage
professor megan: the masters/doctorate graduates of '08
professor megan: me and the dean
professor megan: grill time
professor megan: P6137416.JPG
professor megan: P6137410.JPG
professor megan: P6137403.JPG
professor megan: P6137399.JPG
professor megan: chatting with the folks
professor megan: P6137398.JPG
professor megan: P6137412.JPG
professor megan: P6137414.JPG
professor megan: P6137404.JPG
professor megan: P6137394.JPG
professor megan: blurry dancing
professor megan: cake time