professor megan: P6117361.JPG
professor megan: lights
professor megan: picture
professor megan: living room
professor megan: Summer Storm over the Tri-Cities
professor megan: green lights
professor megan: candle inspiration
professor megan: late night writing
professor megan: journal
professor megan: Reflections of the City
professor megan: reflected colors
professor megan: City View
professor megan: Seattle by night
professor megan: Twas the night before Christmas...
professor megan: night, toward Kennewick
professor megan: Advent
professor megan: the moon over the Tri-Cities
professor megan: night path
professor megan: Reed by Night
professor megan: Reed College at night
professor megan: Yukon Night
professor megan: P7048285.JPG
professor megan: P7048275.JPG
professor megan: P7048272.JPG
professor megan: P7048286.JPG
professor megan: P7048263.JPG
professor megan: P7048246.JPG
professor megan: P7048292.JPG
professor megan: PA253919.JPG
professor megan: candle