Smiles & Sunshine bouquet of flowers with red, yellow & white roses & purple, pink, & white alstroemeria Peruvian lilies in a blue mason jar vase next to a sandwich on a blue plate and a wine glass & a polka dot napkin wine candles salt & pepper shakers Smiles & Sunshine bouquet of flowers with red, yellow & white roses & purple, pink, & white alstroemeria Peruvian lilies in a blue mason jar vase next to a sandwich on a blue plate and a wine glass & a polka dot napkin wine candles salt & pepper shakers Smiles and Sunshine bouquet of flowers with red, yellow and white roses and purple, pink, and white alstroemeria Peruvian lilies in a blue mason jar glass vase next to a sandwich on a blue plate and a wine glass & a polka dot napkin salt & pepper shakers Smiles and Sunshine bouquet of flowers with red, yellow and white roses and purple, pink, and white alstroemeria Peruvian lilies in a blue mason jar glass vase next to a sandwich on a blue plate and a wine glass with a polka dot napkin folded in it various succulent plants in a white ceramic pot next to a glass of decorative straws and a shelf with liquor on it various succulent plants in a white ceramic pot next to a glass of decorative straws orange roses in a blue mason jar glass vase next to a tray with ombre pink and orange cookie bar snacks orange roses in a blue mason jar glass vase next to a tray with ombre pink and orange cookie bar snacks Smiles and Sunshine bouquet of flowers with red, yellow and white roses and purple, pink, and white alstroemeria Peruvian lilies in a blue mason jar glass vase