profkaren: Another room full of old books to be sorted, Activities Building 2nd floor, 2005
profkaren: More old books to sort through, Activities Building 2nd floor, 2005
profkaren: Yikes! The Old Rare Book Storage Room
profkaren: The new Rare Books Room
profkaren: The new Rare Books Room, a work in progress
profkaren: Rare Books Room office
profkaren: Hard at work 2005 Activities Building 2nd floor
profkaren: Another roomfull of books to be sorted, Activities Building 2nd floor, 2005
profkaren: A roomfull of books to be sorted, Activities Building 2nd floor, 2005
profkaren: A roomfull of books to be sorted, Activities Building 2nd floor, 2005
profkaren: A roomfull of books to be sorted, Activities Building 2nd floor, 2005
profkaren: Father Madaj's collection, Activities Building 212, 2005
profkaren: Father Madaj's collection, Activities Building 212, 2005
profkaren: Father Madaj's collection, Activities Building 212, 2005
profkaren: Father Madaj's collection, Activities Building 212, 2005
profkaren: Another room full of books to sort, Activities Building 2nd floor, 2005
profkaren: Another room full of books to sort, Activities Building 2nd floor 2005
profkaren: Another room full of old books to be sorted, Activities Building 2nd floor, 2005
profkaren: The new Polish and Rare Books storage and work room
profkaren: Waiting for cataloguing
profkaren: The new Polish and Rare Books storage and work room
profkaren: Adam Cardinal Maida Alumni Library addition
profkaren: Adam Cardinal Maida Alumni Library addition 2006
profkaren: Rare Book Room before the books
profkaren: Polish and Rare Book storage and work room in progress
profkaren: The new Polish and Rare Book storage and work room before unpacking
profkaren: Books and More Books, 309 Ark Building
profkaren: Books Waiting to Be Cleared, 309 Ark Building
profkaren: Books Everywhere! 309 Ark Building
profkaren: More Books Stashed in the Rafters, 309 Ark Building