Profiles of Nature: Chicago Audubon Compass Newsletter Cover
Profiles of Nature: Please "Like" & Share on Facebook to help the cause! We hit 100! Catching Up!
Profiles of Nature: North American Birds - Ned Brinkley's "The Changing Seasons" - Kirtland's Warbler
Profiles of Nature: Chicago Park District - Blue-winged Warbler
Profiles of Nature: Tufted Titmouse
Profiles of Nature: Black-throated Blue
Profiles of Nature: I'm very honored to receive this Protector of the Environment award!
Profiles of Nature: Featured in the Cam Davis CAMpaign
Profiles of Nature: My portrait was featured in the Cam Davis CAMpaign
Profiles of Nature: My portrait was featured in the Cam Davis CAMpaign
Profiles of Nature: Chicago Sun-Times North Shore Edition Interview
Profiles of Nature: Piping Plover on WTTW's Chicago Tonight
Profiles of Nature: Trending #1 on Nat Geo today
Profiles of Nature: "Owls of Illinois" Exhibit
Profiles of Nature: Published Chicagoist
Profiles of Nature: a good read
Profiles of Nature: WTTW's Chicago Tonight on Bald Eagle Family
Profiles of Nature: Going into WTTW the Chicago PBS station for a live taping of Chicago Tonight. Yipes!
Profiles of Nature: Lake-Cook Audubon Fund Raiser for Illinois Audubon
Profiles of Nature: Common Nighthawks on PBS WTTW
Profiles of Nature: WTTW Airs My Video on Burrowing Owl
Profiles of Nature: 17,903 Nighthawks Over Chicago - WTTW Studio Cut
Profiles of Nature: endangered kirtland's warbler lifer
Profiles of Nature: Kirtland's Warbler
Profiles of Nature: kt ng neck 4
Profiles of Nature: Explored Duo Chillin
Profiles of Nature: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Profiles of Nature: EXPLORED: What's in your Easter basket?
Profiles of Nature: trending #1 @ nat geo
Profiles of Nature: My Shot Bottom Left - Birdwatch UK