professorgal: glitter sparkles from the ribbon
professorgal: tree: checkshopping: checkpresents wrapped: checkChristmas sprit: check!
professorgal: oh look, more mercury glass!
professorgal: adorable pet stocking
professorgal: sleeping Yorkie... okay, so not exactly Christmas themed, but how could I resist a pic of that little snuggle bunny??
professorgal: joyeux noel a tous!
professorgal: to say I'm crazy about mercury glass is an understatement
professorgal: Christmas tree by Ethan
professorgal: stamped initials over vintage stamp stickers... any excuse to use a stamp pad!
professorgal: oh, how I love bokeh (background blur) in pics!
professorgal: homemade gift tags
professorgal: one of my favorite ornaments- vintage chenille and paper, bought at A2 Antiques Fair with my sister
professorgal: homemade gift tags and leopard print ribbon