Prof. Mortel: Horses, central Mongolia (2)
Prof. Mortel: Horses, central Mongolia (3)
Prof. Mortel: Horses, central Mongolia (4)
Prof. Mortel: Horses, central Mongolia (5)
Prof. Mortel: Horses, central Mongolia (1)
Prof. Mortel: Wildflowers near the Tsenkher Hot Springs, central Mongolia (2)
Prof. Mortel: Wildflowers near the Tsenkher Hot Springs, central Mongolia (3)
Prof. Mortel: Shiveet Mankhan Tourist Camp, Tsenkher Hot Springs, central Mongolia
Prof. Mortel: Yaks near Tsenkher Hot Springs in central Mongolia (2)
Prof. Mortel: Horses grazing in central Mongolia (2)
Prof. Mortel: Yak near Tsenkher Hot Springs in central Mongolia (1)
Prof. Mortel: Yaks near Tsenkher Hot Springs in central Mongolia (4)
Prof. Mortel: Yak near Tsenkher Hot Springs in central Mongolia (2)
Prof. Mortel: Horses grazing in central Mongolia (1)
Prof. Mortel: Yaks near Tsenkher Hot Springs in central Mongolia (10)
Prof. Mortel: Yaks near Tsenkher Hot Springs in central Mongolia (12)
Prof. Mortel: Yaks near Tsenkher Hot Springs in central Mongolia (13)
Prof. Mortel: Yaks near Tsenkher Hot Springs in central Mongolia (9)
Prof. Mortel: Yak near Tsenkher Hot Springs in central Mongolia (3)
Prof. Mortel: Yaks near Tsenkher Hot Springs in central Mongolia (11)
Prof. Mortel: Yak near Tsenkher Hot Springs in central Mongolia (4)
Prof. Mortel: Yak near Tsenkher Hot Springs in central Mongolia (5)
Prof. Mortel: Ger, central Mongolia
Prof. Mortel: Forest, central Mongolia (2)
Prof. Mortel: Forest, central Mongolia (3)
Prof. Mortel: Forest, central Mongolia (4)
Prof. Mortel: Forest, central Mongolia (1)
Prof. Mortel: Shaman ovoo in central Mongolia (2)
Prof. Mortel: Shaman ovoo in central Mongolia (1)
Prof. Mortel: Prayer wheels, Tsenkher Hot Spring, central Mongolia