ProENGINEER: The Pro/ENGINEER girl manikin
ProENGINEER: proengineer_girl_manikin_01
ProENGINEER: Accessibility_evaluation
ProENGINEER: Functional_reach
ProENGINEER: Male manikin in default colors
ProENGINEER: Working "virtual" assembly
ProENGINEER: Our Manikin - What a hunk!
ProENGINEER: Manikin in default colors
ProENGINEER: Industrial equipment design
ProENGINEER: Aircraft cockpit design
ProENGINEER: Motion envelope
ProENGINEER: Interference with reach envelope
ProENGINEER: Fine level of manipulation
ProENGINEER: Design validation of industrial workstation
ProENGINEER: Aircraft design
ProENGINEER: Human centric design
ProENGINEER: Mirror simulation
ProENGINEER: Operator vision assessment
ProENGINEER: Flexible posturing
ProENGINEER: Flexible manipulation
ProENGINEER: Reach envelope
ProENGINEER: Vision cone