pottering around: On the way out. The hill of Loch Arkaig in the background
pottering around: Colin looking not so spritely
pottering around: Colin looking spritely
pottering around: River crossing
pottering around: second nights camp
pottering around: Jason trying to point at our first camp
pottering around: Looking back to Sgurr Na Chiche
pottering around: Summit of ...? Band pose
pottering around: Another of the ridge
pottering around: Bit tired
pottering around: Sunday Lunch
pottering around: Looking ahead
pottering around: On the ridge
pottering around: This is fun! (by the way - I wasn't being Japanese, I was indicating our second summit)
pottering around: Campsite for Saturday night
pottering around: Chilli Con Carne - from dust!
pottering around: quick scramble to the camp
pottering around: The first view - Loch Nevis and Egg in the background
pottering around: quick rest in Glen Dessary
pottering around: that's Colin by the way
pottering around: Choices, choices
pottering around: You can tell we didn't know what was to come...