[ PROCESS ]: Posters on the ceiling in the shop
[ PROCESS ]: test prints
[ PROCESS ]: Yee Haw seal
[ PROCESS ]: The back of a used printing block
[ PROCESS ]: Kevin show off Huge printing blocks
[ PROCESS ]: Colonel Sanders Block
[ PROCESS ]: Large print flat file archive
[ PROCESS ]: Large print flat file archive
[ PROCESS ]: Jim Flora print from an original block
[ PROCESS ]: Jim Flora print from an original block
[ PROCESS ]: Vintage Wrestler etchings
[ PROCESS ]: Shelf of letters
[ PROCESS ]: Wood working equipment at Yee Haw
[ PROCESS ]: Upstairs at Yee Haw Industries
[ PROCESS ]: Yee Haw Colaboration
[ PROCESS ]: Palate knife
[ PROCESS ]: Yeehaw Shop
[ PROCESS ]: Cutting Tools
[ PROCESS ]: Kevin Bradley and coworker
[ PROCESS ]: Pica Table saw
[ PROCESS ]: Paper Trimmer
[ PROCESS ]: Jim Flora print from an original block