problemgirl_jen: Downtown Disney Mr Potatohead
problemgirl_jen: Mickey and MInnie at Downtown Disney
problemgirl_jen: Jesse at Downtown Disney
problemgirl_jen: Trying on hats at Downtown Disney
problemgirl_jen: Chef Mickey!
problemgirl_jen: Joseph and Donald Duck
problemgirl_jen: The best sign in the world
problemgirl_jen: Animal Kingdom Lodge
problemgirl_jen: Animal Kingdom Lodge gift shop
problemgirl_jen: Riding in the nose of the Monorail
problemgirl_jen: Jesse and Joseph
problemgirl_jen: At the Animal Kingdom Lodge
problemgirl_jen: He loves these statues!
problemgirl_jen: Buzz holds onto Joseph
problemgirl_jen: Tuckered out from a long day of Disney
problemgirl_jen: Joseph and pals
problemgirl_jen: You're doing it wrong
problemgirl_jen: Thoughtful
problemgirl_jen: On the ferry to the Magic Kingdom
problemgirl_jen: My silly boys
problemgirl_jen: I cry when I leave Disney World too
problemgirl_jen: Chilling in the hotel room
problemgirl_jen: One of my favorite pics of Elle
problemgirl_jen: They love each other so much
problemgirl_jen: Enne and Baba
problemgirl_jen: Where she spent much of the trip
problemgirl_jen: Disney is the best
problemgirl_jen: Why I love Disney World
problemgirl_jen: The kids attempt to make my heart explode